Kitchen Scales – A Buyers Guide

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Written By The Scales Guy

I am passionate about scales and want to share my knowledge with the world.

You would think buying kitchen scales would be an easy task, right? But have you considered everything? Have you thought about exactly what you need? We have put together this guide for buying kitchen scales to ensure you buy exactly what you need.

Let’s take a look.

What maximum weight do you need? Are you going to be measuring large quantities?

Many kitchen scales sold today have a maximum weight rating of around 11lb/5KG, which is more than enough for the vast majority of items you need to weigh.

However, if you need to weigh heavier items, you can buy kitchen scales that measure up to 22lb/10kg.

It is worth considering what you need to weigh before you buy your new kitchen scales!

Measurement Unit

Are you looking for kitchen scales that measure grams, oz, ml, or lbs?

Most kitchen scales available will measure all 4, but you need to consider your preferred measurement unit and ensure your new scales can measure it!

If you need a simple, easy-to-read weight conversion chart, check out our weight conversion post.

Wide Plate

Not only do you need to consider the plate size, but you may also need the scales to have a large bowl for mixing, especially if you plan to make a lot of cake!

Take a look at the dimensions of the kitchen scale plate to see if it is big enough to fit your favorite bowl on.

There are plenty of kitchen scales with large plates if you need them

Balance, Digital, or Mechanical?

No doubt, there are plenty of digital kitchen scales to choose from! But what if you wanted a mechanical scale, or what if you want to go old school and buy a balance scale?

Consider which option will be more fitting for your needs. You might also want to consider which one will look better in your kitchen!

The obvious difference is the balance scales, and mechanical scales do not need any batteries, whereas the digital scales do. Changing the battery is no hardship, though.

Low Light Usage

I wasn’t using my kitchen scales when I noticed this could be a problem.

I weigh myself a few times weekly – usually in the shower room. I have an 11w bulb in the shower room that takes a while to warm up.

As I am keen to jump on the scales, the light is dim, and the digital display is difficult to read.

Potentially, this is a problem you may have with your kitchen scales.

You may not need a backlit kitchen scale, but it is worth considering if the lighting is not great in your kitchen.

Measuring Micro Amounts

Do you need to measure in micro amounts? Maybe you are measuring small quantities of herbs and spices to ensure your dish is perfect!

If that is the case, you will need to look at pocket scales with smaller increments.

Many common digital kitchen scales move up in 0.1g increments, but there are scale options available that increment in 0.01 grams, which is perfect if you need a more accurate reading.

Measuring liquid? Make sure it is waterproof.

Whichever kitchen scales you buy will likely be able to measure in ml.

The critical point here is that you should look for waterproof kitchen scales if you plan to measure a lot of liquid. Accidents happen; it is worth preparing for spillages by ensuring your kitchen scales are waterproof.

There are plenty of waterproof kitchen scales available.

If you do not have waterproof kitchen scales and are no longer working due to spillage, check out our page on how to fix common kitchen scale problems.

The liquid does not only damage digital scales; it can also affect the way mechanical scales work, too, especially if the liquid is sticky, such as egg or syrup. Sugar can be just as damaging!

Precision Measuring

Similar to what you have read above, if you are after precision measuring, you should look at digital kitchen scales and not mechanical ones. The digital kitchen scales should have small increments of 0.01 instead of the common 0.1. That means the digital display will be much, much more accurate.

Oh, and do not forget to test the accuracy to ensure the readings are correct.

How to test the accuracy of your kitchen scales

To test your digital scales, apply exact weights to see if the reading matches the added weight. You can buy calibration weights online that you can use to test the accuracy, or if you have some small weights at home, use them.


This is a big one for me. How good do the kitchen scales look? Do they match other items in your kitchen?

If you have a high-tech kitchen, you might want to go for smart scales or scales with a digital display.

What about minimalistic kitchens? Check out the white digital scales that can easily be put away in a drawer.

Do you have a vintage kitchen? Then a scale with a digital display will look totally out of place! It is best to go for an excellent set of balance scales, so they fit in well.

It is worth considering space too. I am lucky enough to have a lot of space in my kitchen, so having a set of balance scales is possible. Some kitchens do not have much space, so consider buying some that you can put away when you are not using them as a set of digital scales.


When buying a new set of kitchen scales in the past, I have generally gone for the best value for money. It is not always necessarily the best option.

You need to think about how you will use your kitchen scales and search for a product that ticks all the boxes.

We hope this guide has helped, and if you can think of anything else that you need to consider, then please let us know by commenting below or using the contact us page.

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